Whata great read, thank you. A chicken a week and to many vegetables is exactly how I shop/cook too

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Apr 21Liked by Kate Hill

Yours is one of the few posts I read with heartfelt appreciation and a strange nostalgia. Not for a life I once lived but one I feel and understand in my bones. Thank you for bringing me along in the markets and homes of you French countryside. The concept of "Finding France" -- where you are, as you are-- has somewhat softened my longing to be in France, as does the gardens i tend and the markets i support here in Portland, Oregon. Still, your writings seduce and appease my "nostalgia" and I thank you for it. I may yet show up for a writers residency, but till then....I will harvest the backyard asparagus and live in my imagined French village.

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Apr 21Liked by Kate Hill

There is nothing that compares to a French village weekly marché… thank you for bringing the experience to life this Sunday morning. I can almost smell the leeks, hear the sounds and imagine the bustle all around while walking the stalls in search of je ne sais quoi. Merci Kate!

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Fabulous read

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A friend gave me a copy of A Culinary Journey in Gascony twenty years ago and it is one of my favorite cookbooks. A joy to read, and the recipes are delicious. The Radish Soup! The Tomato Tart! So simple and sublime. I am delighted to find you here on Substack and follow your posts with hunger and appreciation.

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Apr 21Liked by Kate Hill

Thank you for sharing your journey, your days now, the countryside of France. Oh to have decided years ago to move there. Now as I more seriously entertain moving there I flounder and fret about arriving solo as a much older woman . I have a love for the country itself, especially Paris, but elsewhere. I happily spent 4 years living in Langon and Bazas in the 1950s. Cheers to you for the lovely life you created.

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Excellent! Love your histoire, step by step. The 'weeding is gardening' made me laugh.

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Apr 21Liked by Kate Hill

thank you Kate! most has been said by others here already, what I would like to add is that I absolutely admire your sense of adventure and your level of energy sustained over decades.. you have accomplished SO MUCH! not easy as a

woman alone anywhere, much less in patriarchal France as a foreigner..

BONNE CHANCE pour les prochaines aventures 🍀🍀🥂

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What a great read and wonderful picture of you and Dupont!

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Apr 21Liked by Kate Hill

Some of my best memories are market shopping with you, Kate! Escargot at 10 AM! A beverage at the cafe while watching then Finance Minster Macron on the tele!

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You painted such a sensory portrait in this episode, Kate and now I must hear more on this sweet cheese tarte with faiselle!

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Shopping is cooking...a perfect phrase. How can anyone's eyes glaze over at a farmers market. Take me instead!

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Dear Kate, what a wonderful post this is. I loved it not only for your exquisite prose but also because it's like reading the story of my life: shopping is cooking, gardening is weeding and doing crazy things later in life. I also owned a farm and hosted guests and cooking classes for more than 20 years. It's been hard to leave it, but finally, finally I have the time to think - just like you - of the whys, the history and culture. Waking up to one of your fascinating articles is always a treat for breakfast, à bientôt!

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Apr 22Liked by Kate Hill

Lovely piece, Kate. Thank you! As a woman of a certain age myself, I can't wait to see how Champètre develops!

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I love the pictures you paint with your words, Kate, and this is such a beautiful piece. I look forward to reading more of your journey and especially keen to learn where your next move will bring you.

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I really enjoyed reading this! Such beautiful descriptions. I spent a week in France visiting a friend and I enjoyed every minute of every simple salad, cheese filled mushroom and glass of wine ❤️

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